The common male toad does an interesting thing to mate. He makes a special call to attract a female, Once she is attracted, the male will grab on tight on her back, showing he's ready. His sticky toe pads will help grab on to her slippery skin.
The Iberian midwife toad (male) doesn't do a mating thing, but he does help with the eggs. He wraps the eggs around his hind legs so they stick on (there are around 50). Once it's been around 3 weeks, the male will dive into the water so when the eggs hatch, the tadpoles will be in water.
Unlike most other animals, female monkeys attract the males. The Sulawesi crested macaque (female) shows off her bright pink bottom. This will ask a male to come mate with her.
With some animals, 2 males about the same strength will battle for a female. With elephants, this can become quite intense. The 2 will lock tusks and battle. Whoever limps aways loses, and with the right reply from a female, the other will get to mate with her.
By Tessa Sagner |