Thursday, July 17, 2014

What's Big and Blue, Lives in the Ocean, and Is the Biggest of Their Kind?

The blue whale, of course! This animal is a gentle giant inhabiting the farthest out in our oceans. It carries a record around with itself, which is pretty noticeable with just a glance. The blue whale is the BIGGEST LIVING ANIMAL, having reached about 95 to 100 feet! Not only is the beast the biggest, but also the HEAVIEST. They weigh about 200 hundred tons! It's easily because if you're incredibly big, you gotta be heavy. The last normal record the blue whale has is the LOUDEST ANIMAL. The blue whale's calls can travel up to five miles throughout the ocean. They make sad, eerie noises that animals can hear from miles away. The blue whale has one more record. It's not a record other animals have, like fastest animal or slowest fish or rarest animal. Nothing like that. You'll be surprised. But try to guess. Think about what I've written for the previous records the blue whale has. Here is the answer. THE MOST RECORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep. That's a record for sure. The most records is an acceptable record. That's four records in all. Would you like to have any of these records? Why or why not? Please write in the comments what you think. Rate the blue whale on a scale of one to ten! I give a solid ten for sure.

Funfact: blue whales weigh 200 tons. Elephants, the largest land animal, only weighs six tons!
By Tessa Sagner

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

First record of animal kingdom: Tallest bird

For a while, I will be writing all about animal records: what's the best, how much, and which animals hold which records. This will be the first one, which I bet you can guess from the title—I will be writing about the ostrich. Oh, and yes, some animals have negative and positive records in which either are caused from other things that they need for other elements for survival (negative records) or are used for survival themselves (positive records). But like I was saying, the ostrich not only has the record for FASTEST BIRD, but quite a few other records, which by the way are all positive. But since its main record is its great ability of speed, I will talk about that first. The ostrich's speed is created by the two huge, tall feet which are strong and are able to push off the ground, and get even more speed by double toes on each foot, allowing this bird to be capable of speeds 45 mph. This way the ostrich can outrun many African savannah predators, like the well known lion who you have seen before. And speaking of prey, I might as well briefly explain the ostrich's diet. So, ostriches are omnivores, meaning they eat plants as well as small animals, including in the ostrich's diet such as small insects and leaves and grasses as well as the occasional lizard which is a smart diet because all of those things are plentiful in savannas. An other record the ostrich has is the LARGEST EGG of al the birds known. Ostriches usually lay around eight enormous eggs. An ostrich omelet is about equal to 24 chicken egg omelet and a single one can feed a family of four. The last record the ostrich has is in the title— TALLEST BIRD, plus it is also LARGEST, but that goes into tallest. The ostrich can reach heights of up to 8-9 feet tall! That is taller than the height of an average adult, 5-6 feet tall. I'm pretty sure you noticed this, but the ostrich is totally huge— even before it's hatched!

By Tessa Sagner