Sunday, June 1, 2014

Protection On The First Day

Now that two animals have mated and laid eggs or given birth, those male and female animals have to protect their young, so they will survive. Most animals take care of their young or eggs by the time they have arrived, but some animals might lay their eggs in a specific place or leave their young in a special place where they have food and water and are protected from predators. But some animals don't really do anything to help, which might sound strange, but I guess the parents have better things to do other than raising children! M-E-A-N-I-E-S!!!!!!!!!! But anyways, now that I'm done complaining about how mean some animals are, animals that do take care of their young sometimes may build a home such as a nest to protect their young when they are away. For example, the hummingbird will build a nest containing only two eggs out of thingamajigs from plants and animals, such as plant down, feathers, and stems, and are held together by spider silk. The mother will look after the two eggs until the tiny birds hatch, which will leave the nest after three weeks. Sea turtles don't care for their young nor eggs, yet aren't careless with where the eggs are laid. When the mother lays them, she lays a ton of eggs, because usually most of them get killed from predators before they make it to the ocean, so at least one will survive! So, many animals take care of their young, but some don't, which is mean, but I guess they don't. Can you even imagine living with no parents?

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