Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bears, Bears, Bears!

Swash! A bear catches a delicious salmon in its favorite creek for fishing. Bears are exellent fishers and can easily catch their favorite food—can you guess what that is? Yup, you guessed it, salmon. Salmon for breakfast, salmon for lunch, salmon for dinner, don't they get sick of it? Okay, okay, we know they eat salmon, but let's talk about something else, like variety. There are many diferent kinds of bears, many of which are endangered. There is the grizzly bear, the panda bear, the largest, which is the polar bear, the Asiatic black bear, and many more. All of these look different and do different things. I think we know all this stuff, so let's get in to the cool stuff! Panda bears are adorably awesome in my opinion, and they eat tons of stuff called bamboo, which we all know, but here's a fact! Pandas eat diiferent parts of the bamboo during different seasons. Pandas are endangered animals, because people are chopping down bamboo forests where they live. Polar bears are next. We learned earlier that they are largest, which is a fruitless thing to repeat. But they are very strong and eat large animals: seals. Yup, they eat seals and can hunt them in an interesting way. The first step is to break a hole in the ice, then wait for a seal to come out of the water, which they normally do. Once they come out of the water, the polar bear kills the seal and eats it for a healthy dinner. Polar bears are white all over for camouflage, but if they had white skin they would get cold, because white reflects heat, so they have black skin for warmth because black absorbs heat. Bears are beautiful creatures on continents all except Antactica and Africa, and are amazing creatures.

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