Saturday, April 19, 2014

Just The Right Equipment

Scratch!  A lizard's sharp claws grip tightly to a tree branch, one that is completly vertical! But the lizard lizard can't fall; it has adapted to climbing straight up branches in this forest that it lives in. Other animals have special body parts for the environment that they live in. Also animals can live in habitats with incredible temperatures, which they can some how live in. This lizard's claws allow it to climb the trees that are in its habitat. For temperatures, the polar bear lives in extremely cold places, but its food is here, so it wouldn't be able to survive anywhere else. It has white fur for camouflage, but white reflects heat, so to keep itself warm, polar bears have black skin for absorbing heat. Other animals need their food, which can be in interesting places. So some animals have amazing ways of catching their prey in these environments. For example, bald eagles don't have many places to perch on to catch their fish, so they swoop down into the ocean and sometimes come back up with a tasty fish. Do you think it would be funny to live like this, or would it be normal?

By Tessa Sagner

1 comment:

  1. To answer your question, I think it would be normal--the animals don't know any different!
